
TUMBLR: My Dreamy Fantasy ♡ | FashionOnMyBack

I've had Tumblr since I was around 14/15 then deleted an remade when I was 16 I think.
If you're not following me on there make sure you do!
I vent out a bit and post the odd selfie.
I get inspired a lot from Tumblr.
Sounds silly but Tumblr has taught me a lot of things growing up,
has made me laugh and seen the world differently just by various quotes and inspiring pictures.
I highly recommend Tumblr if you're in to photography or if you're bored.
I went from being a post whatever I want to a summer blog, then a kawaii blog, 
now I just post whatever I want and what inspires me.
Don't forget to follow me on Tumblr, and on here to be updated with my next post.

Adeola (preferred name) 


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Adeola ♡

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